Keep Your Cloud Services Healthy With Prebuilt AlertOps and IDERA Integration

AlertOps Idera Integration

IDERA (formerly CopperEgg) is a cloud performance monitor that tracks infrastructure performance from end to end.

IDERA not only keeps tabs on the current status of your user facing and database resources, it also uses key health indicators to create a performance rating index that enables you to compare the current performance with historical norms, so you can predict issues based on whether or not your systems are within normal operating ranges.

IDERA also sports a long list of integrations to consolidate your cloud maintenance and performance monitoring in once place, with the fewest dashboards possible.

AlertOps is one of those integrations. IDERA is a comprehensive monitoring solution, but it’s not intended to be an incident management system. That’s why AlertOps is such a great integration to have with IDERA.

AlertOps enables you to distribute incident information from IDERA to your tech teams so you can resolve issues faster.

Here are some things integrating AlertOps and IDERA can do for you:

  • AlertOps receives alerts directly from IDERA and automatically opens and closes alerts based on the status reported by IDERA. AlertOps does the administrative legwork so your teams can concentrate on getting systems back online.
  • Use any inbound field from the JSON to send custom messages with alerts. Your teams get alerts when incidents occur, and they get pertinent troubleshooting information with those alerts for simpler, more efficient incident communication.
  • Map any inbound field to the topic field in AlertOps, and use topics to track incidents and automatically route alerts to the best team to resolve the incident.

These are just a few things you can do with a quick, easy integration using our Generic REST API. AlertOps also gives you configurable message routing rules, customizable workflows, and automated incident escalation so incident management is always easy.

Head over to our help center to learn how to configure your AlertOps and IDERA integration, and find out what else AlertOps and IDERA can do for you.

Or check out over 50 other third party integrations for the monitoring and communication tools you use every day!
