
Bitbucket is a Git-based source code repository. It acts as a code hosting and collaboration tool for professional teams.

Bitbucket is not just just Git code management and gives teams one place to plan projects, collaborate on code, test, and deploy.

AlertOps’ alert management system can be integrated with Bitbucket to receive and respond to (predefined status mappings for pipeline build statuses) alerts/notifications through email, SMS, push notification or phone alerts. AlertOps would ensure that the alert would reach the appropriate team by using proper workflows, escalation policies and schedules. Based on your ruleset, incidents can be automatically opened and closed, depending on whether Bitbucket reports or notifies users of a problem or a recovery (any event for that matter).

You can send alerts from Bitbucket for repository to AlertOps.
  • AlertOps will automatically create an incident when a new alert is received from Bitbucket when the commit_status^state status field contains “FAILED”.
  •  If an alert with status “FAILED” matches an existing Open Alert, AlertOps will recognize the new alert as a duplicate and ignore the alert.
  • The alert will be recorded in the Inbound Messages table as “Mapped Appended.”
  • AlertOps will automatically close the same incident when an alert with a commit_status^state status contains “SUCCESSFUL” or “INPROGRESS”.

These are examples of just some of the things you can do with Bitbucket and AlertOps.

Integration Details

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