Modern ITSM Solutions: Creativity in Incident Response (Bring Your Own Tools)

The IT landscape is constantly evolving. A tool that is heavily used this month, may be virtually obsolete the next. In a such a dynamic ecosystem, the methods used to implement these tools are unique to every organization. Therefore, it has become crucial for organizations to implement an incident response process that incorporates any combination of tools, even those that are highly siloed and departmental.

Let’s take a look at how AlertOps’ BYOT (Bring Your Own Tools) framework, will foster creativity and boost efficiency in incident response processes.

Work With Your Tools of Choice

It doesn’t make sense for IT teams to conduct their operations on the same tools that an HR team would. This is because there is usually not much overlap in the business processes in which they are involved. When it comes to incident response, however, the process involves a variety of teams that all need to take action or respond to an ongoing incident.

Attempting to make all teams work on a singular tool ultimately reduces efficiency from a cost and productivity standpoint. Teams use the tools that are optimal for their own processes. If forced to adopt a specific tool, organizations will face declines in productivity both due to the time it takes for adoption as well as the use of a sub-optimal tool for response. The cost inefficiency stems from the substantial overhead necessary in terms of migration pains as well as re-training efforts for the uniform tool.

Foster a Practice of Creativity

Creativity is a integral piece of innovation. With substantial overlap and competition between tools in the IT ecosystem, virtually identical processes can be built on different systems using different methods. The progression of the ecosystem is highly due to the ability of user to customize their interactions with the tools they use. By promoting creativity, organizations are also promoting users to implement their tools in a functional and straightforward way.

By allowing teams to choose the tools they use, AlertOps empowers organizations to drive creation of custom processes. Users are encouraged to construct processes that span across tools and departments to cater their solutions to their specific needs.

Future-Proof Your Proof Your Processes

It has been established that new tools flood the market at a rapid pace. As tools fade in and out of relevance so swiftly, the need for a solution that allows you to connect to any tool becomes crucial. When digital transformation progresses, organizations need to be able to pivot their processes to incorporate new tools or replace tools easily. AlertOps contains features to ensure that business processes don’t become completely obsolete during the processes of digital transformation:


AlertOps open API allows it to bi-directionally integrate with virtually any tool that implements an API. The No-Code implementation of the API allows easily changing mapping criteria or replacing a tool within a process.

E-Mail Integration

While most new tools feature APIs, many organizations use legacy or homebrew tools that do not and are unable to migrate away. For these solution, AlertOps features an E-mail integration to send data to a dedicated AlertOps mailbox which will map the data and execute the following processes.

Extendable Alert Object

While the same tool may be for the same purposes by different organizations, the data used to trigger processes may vary between them. AlertOps features an extendable alert object with the ability to create and map to custom fields and values. This allows organizations to take action on different values and customize their processes to trigger on customizable inputs.
