Live-Call Routing (IVR)

Leverage AlertOps Live-Call Routing as a standalone IVR System OR Ingest missed calls and initiate a missed call alerting and escalation chain.

Powerful built-in IVR system

AlertOps Live-Call Routing is a lightweight, but powerful, built-in IVR system that leverages the full range of alerting and automation capabilities of the tool, without the price point of a full blown IVR or outsourced answering service.

Product Capabilities

Notify All Team members at once to allow the first person to answer the calls, or ring through them in a desired order.

Generate rich notifications with direct access to any Voicemail left as well as generate tickets in your PSA / Service Desk Tool.

Leverage Response data to monitor who is answering calls, which calls are escalated, how many calls go unanswered, and more.

Easily track timestamps, answered, or missed status, and durations of your Customer Calls

How does AlertOps live call routing work for MSP’s?

A routing phone number will be given to your team by AlertOps. Callers are asked to choose a phone number by dialing the routing number. They are linked to a team by this number, which is connected to the chosen number.

As soon as an incoming call is received at your routing phone number, AlertOps will promptly notify all pertinent members of your on-call team.

AlertOps raises the call to the next person available the moment a team member does not reply. Callers will be able to leave a message and AlertOps will start a notification and escalation mechanism if there is no response, ensuring that the call is returned.

Checkout the other MSP Offerings

Generic On-Call Alerting

Review which calls were answered or missed as well as notify and escalate on any incoming or missed calls!

SLA-Based Alerting

Different escalation paths as well as send stakeholder notifications and updates as SLAs are approaching or being breached.

Live-Call Routing (IVR)

Live-call routing enabled customers to call in and route to the appropriate technicians based on the desired sequence, schedule based on time of day, or directly to voicemail

Alert / Ticket Noise Reduction

Point your monitoring tools directly at AlertOps, to reduce noise, filter which alarms warrant creating tickets, and make your service desk more actionable.

Customer Updated Tickets

Notify on-call or scheduled technicians upon updates to customer generated tickets.

Open Inbound And Outbound API

AlertOps can capture virtually any data sent to the system via E-mail or REST API. In addition to capturing the data.

Major Incident / Manual Alerting

Users can Kick off, process, and respond to incidents from any tool whether it’s a mobile app, web application, chat tool

Business Hours Alerting

Tickets left unattended after a certain period of time during the business day kickoff custom notification rules

Mobile Response

Update virtually any field in the ticket using custom actions to ConnectWise Manage. Ie. Update Priorities, Assignment, etc

Collaboration Channel Notifications

Microsoft Teams and Slack to directly post to specific channels. We see that customers are often in shared channels with MSPs, provide alerting directly to shared client channels.

Watch & Thrive: AlertOps Unveiled in Video Testimonials