Collaboration Channel Notifications

Leverage AlertOps integrations with Microsoft Teams and Slack to directly post to specific channels. Minimize MTTA and maintain your SLAs through quick incident resolution. Now, managers and stakeholders can keep track of incidents even before the incident reaches their level of escalation with AlertOps Collaboration Channel Notifications.

AlertOps and Microsoft Teams.

The AlertOps MS Teams integration releases the power of bi-directional communication. Users have the power to create alerts from MS Teams, as well as notify the relevant members about incidents through MS Teams. The right users can be notified and reached in real time, ensuring a swift response, and allowing you to maintain SLAs consistently.


The integration helps organizations ensure visibility and quick resolution by sending alerts to groups. Organizations can create relevant groups for each scenario or client so that the right team members are alerted swiftly with the necessary information to take the required actions to resolve the incident as fast as possible. This way, you can also notify all the necessary stakeholders so that no one is left in the dark post an incident. MSPs can create specific channels for each client. This way, the channel notification in MS Teams also helps you in keeping your clients informed and in the loop after the incident occurs so that there is no lack of information, and the spread of misinformation is curbed.

AlertOps and Slack

AlertOps can be connected to your monitoring and ticketing as inbound integration and Slack as an outbound integration. It further allows organizations to build logic to notify their groups and members according to their structure and protocols. Further, AlertOps notifies the members and group according to the programmed logic and escalation rules till the incident is acknowledged. This enhances visibility across the organizations and prevents incidents from going unnoticed, which could potentially cause an SLA breach.


AlertOps also allows users to open, acknowledge and close alerts from their Slack, so that the Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA) and Mean Time To Resolve (MTTR) are minimized. In the case of MSPs with a vast number of clients, this flexibility drastically improves the productivity of response teams.

Checkout the other MSP Offerings

Generic On-Call Alerting

Review which calls were answered or missed as well as notify and escalate on any incoming or missed calls!


Different escalation paths as well as send stakeholder notifications and updates as SLAs are approaching or being breached.

Open inbound and Outbound API

AlertOps can capture virtually any data sent to the system via E-mail or REST API. In addition to capturing the data.

Major Incident / Manual Alerting

Users can Kick off, process, and respond to incidents from any tool whether it’s a mobile app, web application, chat tool

Tickets left unattended after a certain period of time during the business day kickoff custom notification rules to escalate directly to management

Update virtually any field in the ticket using custom actions to ConnectWise Manage. Ie. Update Priorities, Assignment, change Boards, etc

Collaboration Channel Notifications

Microsoft Teams and Slack to directly post to specific channels. We see that customers are often in shared channels with MSPs, provide alerting directly to shared client channels.
Point your monitoring tools directly at AlertOps, to reduce noise, filter which alarms warrant creating tickets, and make your service desk more actionable.
Notify on-call or scheduled technicians upon updates to customer generated tickets. Immediately initiate notification and escalation process for Customer Updated tickets to provide more immediate response!

Live-Call Routing (IVR)

AlertOps live-call routing enabled customers to call in and route to the appropriate technicians based on the desired sequence, schedule based on time of day, or directly to voicemail

To learn more on how AlertOps can be the most powerful tool that your Business needs right now.

Watch & Thrive: AlertOps Unveiled in Video Testimonials

MSP Customer Reviews

We've had AlertOps for a couple of years now and are extremely happy with the results. Our techs rely on the convenience of launching the mobile app to check in on this assigned alerts. As the manager, I have found it easy to schedule our resources during on call hours and holidays. Support issues when needed, have always been handled in a timely fashion. Keep up the good work!

Rod Vasquez Intelice Solutions

We've been using AlertOps for over a year and our team loves it. It's reliable, easy to use compared to other applications, and even the support team is fantastic at responding and getting to a solution. I'm very impressed and highly recommend!

Shams W.Pawel WhyReboot

We really like the flexibility that AlertOps provides. Adding or removing someone from our on call rotation is significantly easier then what we were using before (OnPage). Also their support is great, Kam specifically helped me build out our entire call tree.

Eli Haas Vision Computer Solutions

We switched to AlertOps from a different platform for a number of reasons, such as flexibility in schedule changes when someone is off, adding Stat holidays to the existing schedules, combination of multiple schedules and teams and others. I appreciate fine tuning that can be set up with ConnectWise. I am pretty sure I have lots yet to discover though.. So far, whenever I ask - is it possible, the answers were - yep :-).

Lena Glazunova Manawa

We switched to AlertOps from another competitor. We saved money, the integration works better, and we have received more support. It's important that you can rely on your on-call system and Alert Ops works great.

Sean Harris A Leap Ahead IT

AlertOps is very convenient and it is great that it auto creates a ticket. It makes the on call process for our organization so much easier.

Dawson Roeber Community Care partners

Alert ops has made our after hours process a 1000x better. Consistent alerts that never fail and completely allow you to customize what it looks like for you!

William McKee GFI Digital

AlertOps is great! Super flexible to work with, robust platform, and tightly tuned into their customer's feedback. Very nice to work with.

Tyler Reynolds MB Technology Solutions

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