Rotating On-Call and business hour alerting

In the past, on-call schedules were made using spreadsheets that were not truly capable of accounting for availability. Modern On-call rotation software applications are interactive and contain built-in scheduling functions that make the procedure simpler.

Build Schedules for your On-call responders with

Holiday / Schedule Override 

E-mail on-call notice 

Out-of-Office implementation 

Easy to Understand UI 


What if a team that is off duty has access to crucial records and data but the team that is on call does not?

The proper individuals must be involved in incident management, but it also requires that they have access to the appropriate information and the freedom to speak openly with team members in real-time. 

The control is in your hands with AlertOps. You may fully modify your rotation logic, handle shifts that span time zones, and define user and group-based contact options.


What action does Alertops take if a ticket is neglected for a longer period of time than allowed throughout a business day?

While Service Desk Technicians usually have a good grasp of tickets and requests made during business hours, some team-oriented visibility may be useful. For any tickets left unattended after a certain period during the business day kickoff custom notification rules to escalate directly to management or provide reminder notifications. Segment your processes for On-Call versus Business Hours according to your ideal internal processes.


How would the AlertOps Scheduling Engine make the on-call procedure easier?

Utilizing the AlertOps Scheduling Engine will simplify the on-call process. Establish fixed and revolving timetables with various escalation methods. AlertOps will automatically rotate through the right people on-call on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis once you’ve provided the order of the users to rotate through. By using a Web Cal Feed to sync any scheduling modifications made in AlertOps to your calendar application like Outlook or Google Calendar, you can give insight into your On-Call.

 Choosing the best incident management platform may be a crucial choice in today’s dynamic software industry, where an organization’s on-call incident management capabilities are seen as the main feature of quality and reliability. Get the certainty of control and visibility. 

Checkout the other MSP Offerings

Generic On-Call Alerting

Review which calls were answered or missed as well as notify and escalate on any incoming or missed calls!

SLA-Based Alerting

Different escalation paths as well as send stakeholder notifications and updates as SLAs are approaching or being breached.

Live-Call Routing (IVR)

Live-call routing enabled customers to call in and route to the appropriate technicians based on the desired sequence, schedule based on time of day, or directly to voicemail

Alert / Ticket Noise Reduction

Point your monitoring tools directly at AlertOps, to reduce noise, filter which alarms warrant creating tickets, and make your service desk more actionable.

Customer Updated Tickets

Notify on-call or scheduled technicians upon updates to customer generated tickets.

Open Inbound And Outbound API

AlertOps can capture virtually any data sent to the system via E-mail or REST API. In addition to capturing the data.

Major Incident / Manual Alerting

Users can Kick off, process, and respond to incidents from any tool whether it’s a mobile app, web application, chat tool

Business Hours Alerting

Tickets left unattended after a certain period of time during the business day kickoff custom notification rules

Mobile Response

Update virtually any field in the ticket using custom actions to ConnectWise Manage. Ie. Update Priorities, Assignment, etc

Collaboration Channel Notifications

Microsoft Teams and Slack to directly post to specific channels. We see that customers are often in shared channels with MSPs, provide alerting directly to shared client channels.

Watch & Thrive: AlertOps Unveiled in Video Testimonials

Still using Opsgenie? Migrate to AlertOps with ease—see why teams are making the move.