Rich Alerting

Be constantly updated about your incidents

Rich alerting in AlertOps lets you be prepared for the unexpected by giving you the right context using realtime information. It ensures that your alerts reach the right person, through the right channel, every time. You’ll never miss a critical alert (or any other alert)!

Rich Notifications

Alerts are only useful if they give you information about the incident. AlertOps delivers alerts with relevant incident data and information so that team members can initiate a response as soon as they get an alert.

Send emails in rich text and HTML to include graphs, images, custom links, runbook links or links to a conference bridge with any alert. Or even receive voice messages with incident details from your phone system.

Alert messages can contain static text or use dynamic insertion to fill in alert text with data received from your monitoring system. Customized messages make it easy for users to quickly understand an incident, respond, and resolve the problem.

Multiple Alert Types

Since you use multiple channels for communication, you need an alerting system that sends alerts through multiple communication channels. Simple as that. AlertOps delivers alerts any way you want. Receive alerts by phone, SMS, or email. Each delivery method is configurable and enables you to respond to the alert. Phone alerts can be acknowledged or automatically connect you to a conference bridge.

SMS alerts enable you to assign the alert to a team member (even yourself), or act on the alert by escalating, replying, or closing the alert in your incident management system.

With email alerts, you can acknowledge the alert, download attachments with incident information, or connect to a conference bridge.

Setup your alerts so that each team member receives alerts where they are most likely to see them. Send group emails, group texts, and group phone calls to primary phone numbers. Or customize and define the contact method individually by sending alerts to a business phone number, business mobile phone, personal phone, email, and many other individual points of contact.

Detailed Alert Tracking

Incident management requires detailed tracking and activity logging. You need to know who got the call and what happened. AlertOps keeps a record of every person that was alerted, along with the alert method, and tracks escalation and acknowledgment details. You choose how long AlertOps keeps these records based on your data retention SLA.

Time-Based Alerting

Team members need time to respond to alerts and take ownership of an incident. However, you can only wait so long. AlertOps employs time-based delivery rules to ensure that people have enough time to acknowledge alerts, without letting incidents get out of hand.

Time-based delivery rules give you delayed delivery and sequencing. Allow the first user in the sequence time to take ownership before the message is forwarded to the next contact or the next team member in the alerting sequence