Real-Time Collaboration During Incident Management

Real-Time Collaboration is extremely important while resolving an incident. AlertOps helps resolve incidents faster by getting the right people involved and enabling them to communicate through Slack and Microsoft Teams in real-time.
realtime collabration

Monitoring Alerts in Slack and Microsoft Teams

Your alerting system doesn’t help much if your teams don’t get alerts. Real-time collaboration in AlertOps helps you communicate better by automatically sending alerts through Slack and Microsoft Teams. When your monitoring stack sends alerts, AlertOps automatically distributes these alerts based on team assignments, on-call schedules, and escalation policies.

Using pre-built Slack or Microsoft Teams integrations, AlertOps opens conversations in Slack and Microsoft Teams channels when new alerts are received.

3-Way Integrations with Your Chat, Incident Management and Monitoring Stack

Consolidate and simplify your alert management. AlertOps integrates your monitoring stack, chat tools, and help desk for cross-application collaboration. Send alert responses from Slack or Microsoft Teams to your ticketing system, assign owners to tickets, and close tickets all within your chat tool.

Create Incident Management Tickets from Slack or Microsoft Teams

AlertOps enables you to manage alerts from any application in your incident management system. Open AlertOps alerts from Slack and Microsoft Teams, and kick start AlertOps’ workflows by opening tickets through your incident communication channels. Also, automate communication with other systems by integrating Slack and Microsoft Teams with AlertOps. For instance, you can connect your ticketing system to automate ticket creation, and see the status, history, and incident details within your ticketing software.

Constant Collaboration from Start to Finish

Fast incident resolution requires constant collaboration. Reply to alerts, message team members on alerts, and add additional teams to alerts for as long as an alert is open and ongoing. Orchestrate incident response across your entire organization and ensure collaboration throughout every incident. Message and collaborate with auxiliary teams, even if they don’t own the alert. All this can be done through both the mobile and web app.